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Entity Description This brush-based entity is used to create a time-based progression capture-zone for Resistance, Overwatch or both. Supports outputs for al...

Entity Description This entity is identical to point_teleport except it also teleports the return-to location of the teleported entity if it is a weapon.Use...

Entity Description This entity is identical to npc_enemyfinder with additional functionality for selecting a random Rebel that is currently in view.Used for...

Entity Description These changes are applied to all NPC (npc_*) entities.NOTE: These custom keys and inputs are NOT in the FDG but they ARE in the code. Thi...

Entity Description This point based entity is used to display a list of objectives on the Resistance pleyrs' HUDs and on the GM's GUI. Key Values Tar...

Entity Description This point based entity shows a hint at its position in the world. It is shown at all times when on, even through walls. Key Values Target...

Entity Description This point based entity shows a hint icon and a text message at its position in the world. It can be defined a maximum range to show at, a...

Entity Description This point based entity manages the respawning of Rebel players. It can define a respawn wave time, it can enable/disable the waves, force...

Entity Description This point based entity defines a global timer displayed to all players in the top-centre of their screen. It supports a custom times whic...

This entity is now obsolete. As of version 1.3.0, this tasklist entity has been renamed to game_tasklist_ow . Entity Description This point based entity is...

Entity Description This entity is identical to func_brush except it also includes GM specific render settings. Key Values RenderFxGm: GM Render FX <choi...

Entity Description This entity is identical to prop_dynamic except it also includes GM specific render settings. Key Values RenderFxGm: GM Render FX <ch...

Entity Description This entity is identical to game_zone_player except it only accounts for players in the Resistance team in its outputs.Inputs CountPlayer...

Entity Description This point based entity defines game settings. Key Values Targetname: Name <targetname> The targetname other entities refer to thi...

Entity Description Places a Riotshield in the map.Key Values Targetname: Name <targetname> The targetname other entities refer to this entity by. Ang...

Entity Description This point based entity is identical to prop_physics_multiplayer with a few additions. It can be set to return home (the point where it w...

Entity Description This point based entity is identical to npc_turret_floor with the additional key Use (OVERWATCH) which defines whether or not the turret...

Entity Description This point based entity is identical to logic_auto with the additional output OnMultiRoundStart which is fired after the warm-up period o...

Entity Description This point based entity indicates the position and facing direction at which the player will spawn in the map. Any number of info_player_r...

Entity Description This point based entity indicates the position at which the GM will spawn in the map. Only one info_player_gm_ow entity should be placed i...

Entity Description This point based entity keeps track of the number of connected clients. Key Values Targetname: Name <targetname> The targetname ot...

Entity Description This point based entity is identical to game_end with some additional inputs. It's used to end the round or the map to a draw or a vic...

Entity Description This point based entity to send outputs on different player activities. Key Values Targetname: Name <targetname> The targetname ot...

Entity Description This point based entity is used to display a button on the GM's GUI as a sprite. The sprite is rendered on the GUI but is dynamically...

Entity Description This brush based entity automatically revives players who die within its volume after a specific delay.Notes The entity is still incomplet...