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Entity Description

This point based entity defines a global timer displayed to all players in the top-centre of their screen. It supports a custom times which can be manipulated by the mapper through pausing, resuming adding, subtracting and setting the time. It also fires outputs on times starting from 60 through to 0 seconds left. The timer will always start paused, so the mapper defines when it starts counting down.

Key Values

  • Targetname:
    Name <targetname>
    The targetname other entities refer to this entity by.

  • StartOn:
    Start On <choices>
    Does the timer start displayed on the HUD..
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • StartOn:
    Start On <choices>
    Start on and visible.
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • DisplayRange:
    Display Range <float>
    The range within which the hint is displayed to the player. Does not concern the GM.

  • ShowArrow:
    Show Arrow <choices>
    Whether or not the hint should show an arrow pointing at its origin.
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • InitialTime:
    Initial Time <integer>
    The time that the timer starts with in seconds.

  • RebelLabel:
    Rebel Text <string>
    The text to display above the timer for the Resistance.

  • GMLabel:
    GM Text <string>
    The text to display above the timer for the Overwatch.


  • ShowTimer
    Shows the timer on the HUD.

  • HideTimer
    Hides the timer from the HUD. Also pauses the countdown.

  • StartCountdown
    Starts/Resumes the timer counting down.

  • PauseCountdown
    Pauses the timer from counting down.

  • AddTime <integer>
    Add a certain amount of time to the timer in seconds.

  • SubtractTime <integer>
    Subtract a certain amount of time to the timer in seconds.

  • SetTime <integer>
    Sets a specific time to the timer in seconds.


  • OnZero
    Fired when the timer reaches zero.

  • On60SecondsLeft
    Fired when there's 60 seconds left.

  • On30SecondsLeft
    Fired when there's 30 seconds left.

  • On15SecondsLeft
    Fired when there's 15 seconds left.

  • On10SecondsLeft
    Fired when there's 10 seconds left.

  • On5SecondsLeft
    Fired when there's 5 seconds left.

  • On4SecondsLeft
    Fired when there's 4 seconds left.

  • On3SecondsLeft
    Fired when there's 3 seconds left.

  • On2SecondsLeft
    Fired when there's 2 seconds left.

  • On1SecondLeft
    Fired when there's 1 second left.