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Entity Description

This brush-based entity is used to create a time-based progression capture-zone for Resistance, Overwatch or both. Supports outputs for all events (Resistance begin capturing, Overwatch finished capturing etc.) and decaying (progress depletes if the capturing unit/player leaves the zone)

Key Values
  • Targetname:
    Name <targetname>
    The targetname other entities refer to this entity by.

  • CapTime:
    Capture Time <float>
    Time in seconds it takes to capture the area.

  • CapDelay:
    Capture Delay <float>
    Time in seconds it takes before capturing starts when a player/unit enters the area.

  • DecayTime:
    Decay Time <float>
    Time in seconds it takes for the progress to reset back to 0% from 100%. Use -1 to disable.

  • DecayDelay:
    Decay Delay <float>
    Time in seconds it takes before decaying starts after capturing is paused.

  • Team:
    Team <choices>
    Which teams are allowed to capture this area.
    • 0: Resistance
    • 1: Overwatch
    • 2: Both
  • ResistanceIndicator:
    Resistance Indicator <target_destination>
    Name of the indicator to be linked to this entity when the Resistance has progress on the area.

  • OverwatchIndicator:
    Overwatch Indicator <target_destination>
    Name of the indicator to be linked to this entity when the Overwatch has progress on the area.

  • RevProgress:
    Reverse Progress <choices>
    Count the progress down from 100% instead of up from 0%.
    • 0: Yes
    • 1: No
  • StartDisabled:
    Start Disabled <choices>
    Start Disabled?
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes


  • SetResistanceProgress <float>
    Set Resistance capture progress.

  • SetOverwatchProgress <float>
    Set Overwatch capture progress.

  • GetProgressRatio
    Get progress ratio.


  • OnGetProgressRatio <float>
    Fired when the entity receives a GetProgressRatio input. It passes a parameter of the capture progress as a percentage in the form of a float, between 0 and 1 (example being 0.5 = 50% capture progress).

  • OnOverwatchCaptureStarted
    Fired whenever an Overwatch unit begins capturing the area.

  • OnOverwatchCaptureFinished
    Fired whenever an Overwatch unit has completed capturing the area.

  • OnOverwatchCapturePaused
    Fired whenever the Overwatch capture progression is halted (such as the capturing unit leaving the area)

  • OnResistanceCaptureStarted
    Fired whenever a Rebel begins capturing the area.

  • OnResistanceCaptureFinished
    Fired whenever a Rebel has completed capturing the area.

  • OnResistanceCapturePaused
    Fired whenever the Resistance capture progression is halted (such as the capturing Rebel leaving the area)

  • OnDecayStarted
    Fired when the capture progress of the area starts to decay.

  • OnDecayFinished
    Fired when the capture progress of the area has completely decayed to zero.