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Entity Description

This point based entity is used to display a list of objectives on the Resistance pleyrs' HUDs and on the GM's GUI.

Key Values

  • Targetname:
    Name <targetname>
    The targetname other entities refer to this entity by.

  • StartOn:
    Start On <choices>
    Should the tasklist be visible at start.
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes (Default)
  • Visible:
    Start Visible <choices>
    Should the tasklist be visible at start.
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes (Default)
  • Team:
    Team <choices>
    Which team should see this task list.
    • 2: GM
    • 3: Players (Default)
    • 4: Both
  • TaskMessage:
    Task Text <string>
    This is the text of the task.

  • Priority:
    Task Priority <choices>
    • 0 : "(1) Low Priority"
    • 1 : "(2) Medium Priority"
    • 2 : "(3) High Priority"
  • Task2Message:
    Task 2 Text <string>
    This is the text of the first task.

  • ObjCount:
    Objective Max Count <integer>
    How many times does task need to be done before its completed.


  • Complete
    Complete the task. Overrides objective count.

  • Abort
    Abort the task.

  • Activate
    Activate the task.

  • Deactivate
    Deactivate the task.

  • Show
    Show the task.

  • Hide
    Hide the task.

  • AddToCount
    Add or subtract to the objective count.

  • SetCount
    Set the objective count.

  • SetMaxCount
    Set the objective max count.

Revision History

  • 27 NOV 2010 - Updated entity based on a redesign.