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Progress Report VI

Posted by AndY in Progress Reports on 29 September 2010 · 2212 views
progress report
If this is your first time reading our progress reports, you should read this Blog entry which explains what these reports contain and how they are organized.

Greetings! I'd like to start by mentioning that we've updated the format (and name) of our Development Reports. They're now called Progress Reports, and information about the new format can be found in this Blog entry. Enjoy this sixth edition!

▫ dotFive

Less than two weeks have passed since the 1.2.2 patch, and a new update (1.2.5) is being released today!

Before we talk about the contents of this latest update, we have some important news to share: the Overwatch Community site now has a portal page! In addition to displaying the latest Overwatch news and a complete site map, you'll find the latest tweets, forum posts and bug reports, all on one page! Be sure to check it out (http://www.overwatchmod.com/ or by clicking the Latest News link above), and don't forget to use those social icons to share the latest Overwatch news with your friends!

Most of what I'd normally have included in the introduction to this report was already mentioned in a news post last week, so here's a recap:

  • We're still hard at work on 1.3.0 but, to help get more maps created for Overwatch, we decided to release 1.2.5 first.

  • 1.2.5 marks the first release of the Overwatch FGD, a file used by level designers to create maps for Overwatch.

  • We've cleaned up the FGD, overhauled some of our custom entities, created a few new ones and reorganized the Materials folder to make our game as accessible as possible.

  • Details of all our custom entities (as well as tutorials explaining how they are used) can be found in the brand new Resources section of the Community site.

  • We'll be offering live support to all level designers working on Overwatch maps. Simply click the Live Chat button above or send an email to: support@overwatchmod.com
Be sure to read the complete news post here: Upcoming Patch (1.2.5), Community Maps & the Resources Section

We're definitely looking forward to playing all your creations and will do our very best to help you along the way. We also have a mapping contest planned for the very near future with some amazing prizes to be won!

Finally, a few members of the development team will be meeting up in Montreal in about a month for the Montreal International Game Summit, the biggest event in Canada and on the East Coast dedicated entirely to game development professionals. We have a few surprises planned for it, so stay tuned!

▫ In Progress

We have some interesting new features coming, some of which have been suggested by you, the community. In addition, we recently began working on a brand new level. We're keeping most of it a secret for now (it'll introduce time trial-type gameplay to Overwatch!).

› Being Implemented

  • Game (Client/Server)
    • General
      • [Feature] Implementing the ability for the GM to deploy Headcrab canisters at a location of his choosing (as opposed to pre-defined spots on the map).
      • [Feature] Implementing the Scanners (Type II) including the ability for the GM to target a location where they can deploy Hopper Mines.
      • [Feature] Implementing a first iteration of the Barracks system.
      • [Feature] Implementing a first iteration of the Abilities/Roles system. This first version will feature a Recharging Medkit that can only be used by a limited number of players.
      • [Feature] Implementing a global round timer (as suggested by WAXT).
      • [Feature] Adding visual and auditory feedback cues for the GM, triggered by events such as units being under attack (or killed).
      • [Improvement] Reducing the amount of entity data being transmitted, which should help to reduce "choke" while playing (and hopefully solve the issue with NPCs being difficult to hit).
      • [Improvement] Redesigning the Reviver entity to make reviving another player a lot less frustrating (this will solve issues with a "revive" action being interrupted or not being initiated for various reasons).
      • [Improvement] Beginning the AI overhaul phase (more details soon).
      • [Improvement] Redesigning the Scoreboard to make room for upcoming features.
      • [Improvement] Players joining a round that's already in progress (which they can no longer join) will be given a more obvious message that they need to wait for a new round.
      • [Bug Fix] Fixing a Node Link crash issue (and other problems with those entities).
      • [Bug Fix] Fixing an issue where button Tooltips (for the GM) can get stuck, preventing you from being able to select or move units.
    • Map: ow_breach
      • [Misc] Adding two new sections after the train station including a brand new final objective.
      • [Overwatch] The final section will feature GM abilities such as spawning Snipers in various locations.
    • Map: ow_citadel
      • [Aesthetics] Textures!
    • Map: ow_coast
      • [Misc] Preparing Coast for a first release (scavenger/puzzle).
      • [Overwatch] This level features GM abilities such as launching Headcrab canisters, calling in dropships carrying troop reinforcements, and deploying gunships for air support.
      • [Misc] Zombies and Headcrabs are considered a common enemy, they will attack both sides.
    • Map: ow_crossroads
      • [Misc] Preparing Crossroads for a first release (survival).
      • [Overwatch] This level features GM abilities such as calling in Scanners (Type II) and selecting locations for them to drop Hopper Mines.
      • [Misc] Zombies and Headcrabs are considered a common enemy, they will attack both sides.
  • Updater Utility
    • General
      • [Improvement] Implementing a progress bar that will be displayed when downloading update packages.

› Being Discussed:

▫ What's Next?

The next major release is of course 1.3.0, which will contain more maps, neat new features and a bunch of improvements.

As mentioned above, we also have a mapping contest planned, the details of which will be released right after the 1.3.0 update.

More exciting times ahead!

We hope you've enjoyed reading this edition of our Progress Reports. What feature, improvement or bug fix are you looking forward to seeing in-game? Let us know!

Source: Progress Report VI

Don't forget about Ask the Devs! (Episode 3)

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