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#1 Cg_comb-Zombie_tank


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Posted 23 April 2012 - 12:03 PM

Greetings !! I'm gonna make soon a project about overwatch map custom "owc_tunnels".
This is a custom story about a street tunnels, corridors , train tunnels , and coastilne on final zone.


The ressistance have stuck in tunnels, the only safe road to rebel outpost now it's the Ruins. The collapsed tunnels is full of combine patrols, manhacks and turrets ( on begin they must fight with barnacles and fast zombies ) On begin they must find a bomb and set them to blow up the gates. Next they must fighting with a combine forces and Civil Protection forces. They must Hack the console to disable a forcefield. Next they must breach the corridors to the big arena ( beware the antlionguard when Overwatch gonna disable the thumpers ) and hack mini console to Open the gate and cross the rails to the next door ( watch out on the razotrain The Overwatch can call him ). On next sector they must prepare to the big fight on final zone on coastilnes where they must find a crate with bombs and set them to the collapsed tunnel but now they must protect the bomb becouse the combine soldiers gonna try broke the bomb. This is not one problem becouse the Overwatch can send a 1 of 3 final enemies like: Strider , Chopper or Gunship, ( in large rebel groups there will be summoned a dropship with combine support ) , and spawn a combine elite squads on final zone spawn points.

Gunship - New special attack "Plasma Cannon" ( button to start fire a special attack will be on centre in final zone) when you should gonna press that button the gunship should start firing from Laser under the stomach.
Chopper - When chopper should gonna spawn he will be have a Fast machingun ( the rebels haven't got any idea when chopper start firing becouse that machingun is faster and no sound when he will start shooting ).
Strider - When the player gonna spawn the strider. There should will be enable a scanner spawn point ( special city strider scout scanner, when you gonna spawn them they gonna help a strider to find the rebels ) , and a makes collapsed blockades from warp cannon. on half health or have small HP should becouse him angry and autoactivate a fast minigun

New Traps:
Razotrain- when the Overwatch should call the train, the group of rebels will be smashed. Don't worry i'm gonna put some covers but not many.
Manhack crates - The overwatch can choose a 2 of 15 ammo crates to change to the crates with dangerous manhacks. When some rebel gonna broke these ammo crates the manhacks will be start activate and ready to kill.

PS: I'm gonna start making a map on begin of the Vacations

Edited by Cg_comb-Zombie_tank, 02 May 2012 - 06:25 AM.

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