No, I feel weapon loadouts would drastically help toward the pressing issue of balancing Overwatch. And this is my argument on why if we had a loadout, many changes to gameplay would come, changes I see for the better.
First off, in order to build your loadout for the current level, the warm-up period should be extended to something like 30 seconds. This would also fix the issue of the GM not having enough time to prepare for the Resistance assault.
I say that we give the Rebels four slots in their loadout.
- Primary Weapon
- Secondary Weapon
- Melee Weapon/Class-Specific Weapon
- Equipment
- Primary Weapons - SMG1, Shotgun, *Crossbow, *RPG
- Secondary Weapon - USP 9mm Pistol, .357 Magnum
- Melee/Class Specific Weapon - Crowbar, Stunstick, Riot Shield with no melee weapon, Medkit
- Equipment - M83 Fragmentation Grenade(x2), ^Gravity Gun, Bugbait
^If you choose to select the Gravity Gun instead of grenades for your equipment category, you can NOT hold or collect grenades until the next round where you can change your loadout.
The reason to have each category and their selectable weapons is to change up the gameplay and ask more from team-oriented gameplay and to make more use of the weapons and situations at hand. For close quarters situations, players would pick shotguns and such. For other circumstances, players would pick the standard-issue SMG1. This means that because of the varied loadouts of all the team players, the players themselves would require more from the soldier with the right layout for the right situation, thus requiring more team-oriented gameplay.
As for the unique "Class" weapons (the medkit and riot shield) these would also be come into question with the loadout system. Players will either choose to have a standard-issue melee weapon, or they choose to remove their melee weapon for either a Riot shield or a medkit. Removing the melee weapon will have players debate more thoroughly what is needed for the current mission and situation. If all players would pick a riot shield, no one could be healed among the team, yet they gain defensive versatility. If everyone picks a medkit, they are able to keep eachother healed, yet suffer a melee capability. This brings into question that with a loadout system, players would absolutely be more versatile, strategic, and team-oriented about the weapons they choose for the mission, situation, and circumstance at hand.
As for the .357 Magnum as a sidearm, you can think of the downfall of having this weapon equipped: Its reduced accuracy at longer ranges, longer reload time, slower firing speed, and only 3 full magazines. There are all compared to the USP 9mm Pistol. But its power, with the ability to kill Overwatch soldiers, zombies etc. in about 2 direct hits is the crossover. I think it sounds balanced.