[ow_caves] vort protection map
Posted 16 October 2010 - 08:03 PM
the caves
the caves is a non linear map that is literally a maze of antlion infested caves. the map has 3 combine outposts in it each has a thumper near it so the GM can safely spawn combine units. most traps on this map are turrets and manhacks. there is one entrance to the caves and that is an over head tunnel with an elevator (rebels objective). on the top of the shaft is a door that the rebels must get to (they win when the elevator makes it to that level).
more detail: the map has 3 main areas. THE rebels spawn which is a large room with view of the sky and an elevator, a pit in the middle that has a outcropping in the center (generator spawn), and the GMs far bunker.
GENERATORS: the generators require the vort player to charge them they take [x] seconds to charge wile charging the generator the vort is an easy target so protect the vort because they can only die [x] times
main areas
Rebel spawn: the rebels spawn in a large open room with an elevator on one wall and 6 tunnels leading to the rest of the map. There is a old command shack in the room that has 3 stories the first 2 are almost empty with some ammo and beds and the 3rd floor is missing the roof but has plenty of cover and a crossbow spawn. the riot shields spawn on the second floor of the building. Players spawn in random areas in this room some in the building some near the elevator. The vort player starts out charging the generator near the elevator this is automatic and lasts 2 sec.
rebel elevator: the elevator is the main thing the rebels must defend next to the vort it has [x] health and will come crashing down if destroyed (there is a pit bellow it.)
The pit: the pit is a large hole in the center of the map with a platform in the center the center platform will always have a generator in it, there are 4 natural bridges leading to it and do to the platforms location there is no cover for any one on the platform. the pit is surrounded but rocks and small platforms that give moderate to heavy cover for combine/rebels attacking the pit generator.
Combine main base: this is the far end of the map the main base consists of a bunker, a sniper tower (sniper always there) and a dead antlion. this base was once a minors bunk having a kitchen, bunk rooms, and storage all of which was reused by the combine, the kitchen has been turned in to a generator room, the bunks in to a bunker, and storage into a stalker holding room. this building has only one floor but the gm can order troops to the roof in the areas where it remains. the sniper tower is built into an old elevator like the one that the rebels have.
the caves: this map takes place in a cave system so there are many routes to the main areas and some minor areas like generator spawns, there are lots of caverns in the caves some hold old barricades, some hold antlion spawns (thumpers usually near). the map has dynamic paths aka some routs might be collapsed one round other other rounds making the map more of a challenge to the players on both sides. headcrabs also spawn in the caves so be careful they might just bee a annoyance but they can be lethal. the GMs other 2 spawns are in this system of caves.
Objective MAIN: the rebels need to get out of the caves and defend the elevator (it can be destroyed). In order to do this the rebels must use a vort player to activate [x] generators on the map the generators spawn in random locations.
Objective side 1: collect bug bait to control antlions. location there is a dead antlion guard near one of the GMs far spawn. Bug bait will spawn here players that gain it can use it to there advantage. (players with out it will still be attacked by antlions)
Objective side 2: deactivate thumpers. there are an number of combine thumpers around the map. All of them but the 3 large ones guarding the combine outposts can be deactivated. Deactivating thumpers causes antlions to spawn more often.
fail conditions:
vort player dies [x] times (rebels fail)
elevator is destroyed (rebels fail)
rebels escape (gm fails)
win condition: elevator fully powered and all player on the elevator. once the elevator reaches 100% of the way up the rebels win. (the gm can still destroy the elevator wile it rises. during the elevators assent antlion spawns will stop and manhack traps will activate all over the rebels spawn room. combine smg1 troops will have a 50% chance of spawning with ar2s.
GM traps:
1.manhacks (5 of this trap on map not counting the 2 that activate when the elevator starts)
2. turrets (2 at each combine spawn and one can be spawned near each thumper)
3. charges (collapses paths making it harder for the rebels can kill them)
4. pulse turret: (near the dead antlion requires a unit to work)
5. stalkers: (like metro cops only they can deactivate vort activated generators)
units on map
antlions: antlions will have a small nerf so that they do not one hit combine unit. other than that they are normal
stalkers: stalkers can be used to deactivate generators or as accurate constant fire troops, they have low health and low damage but have a high range. (generators can't be deactivated once the elevator is rising)
antlion guard: small chance of spawning per round the guard will attack anything and can even destroy thumpers huge threat to both rebels and combine.
headcrabs: spawn at random on the map just a slight annoyance. ( I would suggest this for all maps)
fast headcrabs: they spawn at random like headcrabs but they might also spawn clinging to the ceiling of the cave. (see ep1 there are some doing that there)
any one willing to take this project go ahead if vort players aren't added rebels could activate the generators
Posted 16 October 2010 - 09:50 PM
Posted 16 October 2010 - 10:13 PM
Posted 17 October 2010 - 12:00 PM
Posted 17 October 2010 - 02:10 PM
warbrand2 try making this map and no this isn't sarcasim I mean seriously try... it's easy once you get the jist of it... just hard to master type thing.
here is a grand master list of video tutorials I found http://developer.val...Video_Tutorials anything you basically wanna learn is there
Some Highlights
- http://www.interlopers.net/tutorials/
- http://www.halfwit-2...ials&category=1
- http://www.youtube.c...u/0/igHKu0-A2aQ
Give it a shot. Any questions and this community's so far has been great in answering questions

Posted 17 October 2010 - 03:01 PM
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:05 PM
Posted 19 October 2010 - 10:03 AM
Posted 27 October 2010 - 03:37 PM
Posted 06 November 2010 - 06:54 PM
edit: tried to open hammer and it like 50% my steam games and programs is broken. ever sense the tf2 Halloween uupdate things have been breaking.
Posted 04 December 2010 - 05:02 PM
Posted 04 December 2010 - 05:13 PM
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