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[ow_shallow] Progressive Puzzle Map

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#1 Dancing


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Posted 05 September 2010 - 09:59 PM

OW_Shallow: Concept and Daydream.

I have an idea for a map I wanna create for Overwatch. I have no Idea how to make maps yet so this really is just an idea but I think it's an idea worth sharing. I do plan to make this map eventually or try to but with college starting soon I won't be able to do much besides work, school and personal matters. So with that let me begin... by saying that the idea for this map was spawned by the feeling at the moment of OW_Citadel being boring to me. By design the map itself isn't boring but the objective is. I thought what if instead of standing there to hack the console you actually had to solve a riddle. Alas OW_Shallow began to take shape in the form of a daydream inside my mind. Allow me to describe the map in great detail... enjoy :)

* The Resistance shall begin in an abandon utility closet inside a subway tunnel that has been turned into a small hideout and weapons cache. This shall function as a starting room and to allow them time to plan and collect themselves. The Overwatch shall not spawn minions or setup traps until the Resistance has opened the door. Once out the resistance may travel down and out of the abandon subway area on to the street level. The street is part of a T-shaped intersection but only one path shall exist with the resistance only allowed to make a right while the left turn on the intersection shall be blocked off. From there they will move up along a coastal road that connects to a tunnel. To the upper left of this tunnel is a Combine lookout. Combine shall enter in from three points in this area. The entry points will be layed out so that if a single Resistance member were to look at two of the entry points his back would be to one of them. As the resistance makes their way to the tunnel they will notice a force field is preventing them to move forward and must explore the area around the T shaped intersection to find three numbers painted in blood on the walls. Once all three numbers are collected they must input it into a keypad inside the combine lookout. The possible answers in the keypad will always change and so shall the spots where the numbers will appear along with the numbers along the wall. However the answer will never use the same number twice. The possible number of answers to the keypad puzzle shall always be six but the locations and the actual number shall be different.

IE 1.

IE 2.

Once the force field has been lowered the Resistance will enter through a utility door that will lead down into a sewer. The door they use will lead down an L shaped rough stone staircase into a circular room the circle room will have two small stair ways that go mid way around the edge but descend into shallow water. In the center of the ceiling this room their shall be an opening allowing dripping water and sunlight to come in. Here the group shall heal up and restock before moving forward however man hacks may descend from above. When the resistance is ready to move forward they will enter a series of sewage ways that is a shifting maze. The maze will shift when one member of the resistance passes a certain location in the maze. When this happens water will pump in through a pipe cutting that route off. The maze shall be small but the water cutoffs shall create a total of four possible paths for someone to go through. While the Resistance is figuring out this alternating sewer. The Overwatch will be allowed to setup up an ambush of sorts at the end of the maze in a larger arena room. So the longer it takes for the resistance to make it through the maze the longer the OW has time to setup. Again this arena room shall follow the same entry point setup of eyes on two back on one. On the other side of the entrance to the arena room is another sewage entrance that leads to a spot where the Resistance can place a explosive charge to blow a hole into a boiler room.

Attached File  Maze Explained.JPG   32.31K   64 downloads

Alas the last part of the map is up for the Resistance. At this point they will be in the boiler room... another heal up and restock room. Here they will gather themselves and prepare for the final confrontation when they exit the room they will find themselves inside a combine base. The room they enter shall have two floors with six offices attached to it. three on top and three on the bottom. On the left is a hallway that leads to a Larger room and a smaller room. The smaller room is a hub to three more offices. Inside each office is the possibility of documents that must be collected and brought to the exit. Only one room will be unlocked at a time so the Resistance must work as a team on deciding which room they are gonna try first. Once the documents have been secured then they must gather in the the larger room. In the larger room their will be a central console with a screen and a larger screen that will cover the entire wall. On this wall shall be a 4x4 Samurai Sodoku Puzzle however each of the five segments of the puzzle shall randomly have the already placed numbers be cubed or squared or binary. When the first number is entered a siren shall sound and the Overwatch will have double the chances to spawn Combine forces into the area. If they solve the puzzle before they are all blown away then a large door will open up and they shall escape.

the office door logic.

Not a single player in a room.

  • unlocked
  • unlocked
  • unlocked <- papers in here
  • unlocked
  • unlocked
  • unlocked

Someone Enters a room and instantly all the others are locked.

  • locked
  • locked
  • locked <- papers in here
  • locked
  • unlocked <- has two players in it. Everyone else is walking around.
  • locked

The two players leaves that room and...

  • unlocked
  • unlocked
  • unlocked <- papers in here
  • unlocked
  • unlocked <- all players left that room. If re-entered all other rooms will lock - vica versa
  • unlocked
Attached File  Sodoku.JPG   61.63K   85 downloads


A very rough sketch of the map
Attached File  OW_Somnium.JPG   28.09K   66 downloads

#2 cwook


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Posted 24 September 2010 - 09:47 PM

I was thinking that an actual puzzle would be fun to figure out (as opposed to just standing next to a hack terminal). Looks like you have some great ideas laid out. I do, however, predict massive trolling if someone was so inclined to do so.

#3 Dancing


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Posted 26 September 2010 - 09:18 AM

I am taking out the Sodoku part and replacing it with an anagram using hl2 words but I am working on this slowly, I am using quite a few tutorials that explains how to build every aspect of this map. I just don't have the time to learn it quickly. I am aware of the trolling. I am gonna have to be careful with triggers.

#4 BMT


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Posted 27 September 2010 - 02:54 PM

Man, this certainly is ambitious! I admire you're approach, trying to figure out how to make capturing points and objectives a bit fresher than standing around waiting. Sounds like the rounds would last quite a long time though, would it not add more to the variety if per-round the rebels have to tackle two of the puzzles randomally chosen out of the three rather than all of them in a row? Remember the way Overwatch currently plays is repeated rounds with everyone getting a turn as the GM. You have to be cautious of the fact that the players might get frustrated with having to solve the same type of puzzle each round, even if the solutions are randomized.

Lots of detailed planning there, looking forward to updates on this.

#5 Dancing


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Posted 28 September 2010 - 02:47 PM

That's one of the reason's I removed the sodoku puzzle I didn't want people to become frustrated ya know? but I already came up wih the whole randomly chosen which puzzle to tackle by giving them alternative paths. down thru the sewers or thru the combine base. But yeah I am learning the very basics of map making so I see this as a gigantic learning project where when I come out of it I know alot more and understand how things work instead of being just a monkey that pushes buttons.

#6 Dancing


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Posted 29 September 2010 - 02:25 PM

So this is attempt one at creating the first of the street... as you can see I failed miserably lol However I did learn a few things about distance in game, the basic concepts and leaks.
Attached File  Attempt 1.JPG   138.97K   35 downloads

And this is the one I am currently working on now... however I will scrap it but I figure I need to make quite a few more mistakes before the real work begins, but who knows if it turns into what i want it to turn out into then i don't have to start all over.
Attached File  Attempt 2.JPG   56.35K   33 downloads

#7 Jgoodroad

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 02:58 PM

I see a large improvement, the most obvious is the use of nodraw textures... they are good

you are using nodraw...arn't you?

#8 Dancing


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Posted 29 September 2010 - 10:26 PM

I don't know? am I? I have no idea what I am doing unless I see something and go OH that's a better way to do it... which I have like 27 million of these every time im using hammer lol

#9 Jgoodroad

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Posted 29 September 2010 - 11:10 PM

the nodraw texture is a texture you apply to brushes (blocks) that makes it so that face isn't rendered ingame, you use it as a default texture for improved optimization.

#10 Dancing


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Posted 30 September 2010 - 05:16 AM

oh ok...

#11 Dancing


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Posted 25 October 2010 - 10:58 AM

A quick update on this map.

I have made a mess of things. Since this is the first time I have ever constructed a map I didn't notice how little mistakes in the beginning can cause huge issues later on. The downtown area of the map has become cluttered and I find myself confused and disoriented when adding details. I should have planned out each area how it will effect the number of rebels and not just the OW. However, I am not giving up on this map. I am just taking a step backwards so I can take two forward. I am gonna try creating something far more simple in terms of gameplay. I need stepping stones to learn what I need to. So I have decided to create a new map while I reorganize the downtown area. I wanna be able to enter the contest and I will not be able to do that with OW_shallow. I feel with this new map I will be able not only enter the contest but actually complete the map with in a reasonable amount of time. I would love to post screenshots of OW_shallows downtown area but it's not in presentable condition.

So recapping?

Yes I am still committed to this map but I will be focusing more on simple maps that allow me to work on learning more about hammer and map making.

The new map I don't have a name for but when I feel that it's time for playtesting I will create a new thread for it. The jist of it is the rebels start off in a canal area and must work together to lower a bridge, from there they travel through a park and then into a burning hotel. I am using this map to learn how to work with triggers and buttons and other fun things. It will be alot shorter
then OW_shallow and more in lengths with OW_Breach. I apologize again but the community will get a better map and I will get to learn in a cleaner environment.

#12 Auxor


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Posted 25 October 2010 - 11:57 AM

More map = More fun. If you can't release one, making another is just as good.

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