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Comrade Temuzu's "How to: Play as the Overwatcher" Basics and info

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#1 Comrade Temuzu


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 08:49 AM

Hello comrades, and welcome to this How to, the only one you will ever need in order to play succesfully as the Overwatcher!

Part 1: Orders, objectives and minimap


Your basic UI contains the Objectives, Minimap and Orders. Theyre pretty self explanatory, minimap also contains small cubes, which indicate the location of Rebels, your soldiers aswell as yourself.

Part 2: Spawning troops and trickering effects

Here are the pictures of the icons used ingame. By pressing them, you can either spawn troops and machines aswell as trigger effects.
Some of the icons can be used only once, such as the turrets, manhacks, metropolice, assault smg soldiers, soldier in tower and the door explosions.
They will NOT regenerate, so think twice before using them. A nice metropolice squad in the right place at the right time can mean all the difference in the world.
The green icons mean that they will regenerate, as opposed to the red icons, which wont.
The green icons come in two different types: One with a picture of smg in it, and other with the picture of shotgun in it.
The one with the smg spawns an squad of soldiers equipped with smg's, the one with the picture of a shotgun spawns a squad of soldiers armed with shotguns.
These two will regenerate, but if used too much, the size of the squads spawned decreases over time.


#2 Comrade Temuzu


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 09:00 AM

Part 3: Troops
Combine SMG unit. Effective from long to medium distances, packs more firepower than their Shotgun armed colleges, they can pin the Rebels down if used correctly.
Especially useful in ambushes from highground, and holding the line.

Combine Shotgun unit. Specialized in assaulting the Rebel positions, can kill a Rebel with few shots. If backed up by SMG units, can be very effective in routing the Rebels from their positions.
The shotgun is on its most effective from very close distances, so it is on its best on urban combat and building-to-building fighting.

The Metropolice is an squad of combines that can be deployed from hidden positions, excellent for ambushes. Similar to the SMG unit, they are equipped with an SMG for combat.
Usually caught in close combat, theyre not very effective if not used correctly.

Assault squad. These soldiers attack from above, breaching through the roofs down to the heat of combat.
Armed with SMG's, they too are not very effective in close combat, and if not used correctly, will get killed fast.

Manhacks. Brutal killing machines that are excellent in driving the Rebels from their positions, but deliver very little damage. Shock effect is the most important aspect of these machines.
If one send Manhacks attack the Rebels alone, they will not last for long, thanks to their very low HP.



#3 OJ191


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 06:09 AM

Pretty sure overuse doesn't reduce squad size, rather the amount spawned decreases as players die, down to 2 spawned with one living player.

#4 Comrade Temuzu


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 08:24 AM

Yeah, Im not sure about that one. Some release notes or something would be nice.

#5 PixilatedPunk


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 06:10 PM

Check all the development reports if you are not sure about something. If a certain subject you have questions about is not covered I would suggest connecting to the Overwatch Mod irc channel and ask there. You can also connect using another chat client, for example, I use mIRC and I love to idle there so I can stay up to date on the latest news.

#6 Comrade Temuzu


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Posted 24 August 2010 - 06:39 AM

Thanks for the hint, I shall check it.

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