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Samurai Champloo: Bad Ass Samurai doing Bad Ass stuff in a Bad Ass way.

reminds me of a smash mouth song, however it's hard to tell what's original and what's a cover.
Nov 10 2010 10:16 PM

Image 02 is now up. Take a look under ow_containment in the Design Contests forum.

Updated On Map Be Brutal,Be Constructive or just make a comment.

Burma's current leader is stepping down in their next election?! He's probably just planning something else evil instead.

rep wise i am getting cloes to teh oposite of AndY so he is the light and I am the dark. does that make me an evil vort.

The Joker
Check the Suggestions forum, some ideas by me that require your attention.

I currently can't play shit because ever sence the tf2 halloween update every game I have has bugged to the poin of unplayable. I can only play some mods and the are rare.