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So, i win?
From AndY's response i can deduce that 1.3.5 will include only the new maps. I think...
Nov 25 2010 03:38 AM -
I hope it just comes out at a good time for all of us. I actually have Friday off from work so i'll be excited.
Nov 25 2010 09:18 AM -
Is there a comment limit or is there a exploding firefox when post 100 comments and let us show all?
Nov 25 2010 11:10 AM

Surgery was a success! the doc says I'll only be in a wheel chair for the next few months! as opposed to... you know... life.

Jgoodroad, only the good die young... we will (re-reads) OH*** YAY GOOD FOR YOU MY MAN
Nov 24 2010 10:25 AM

Muahahaha!!! Hours of displacement mapping have turned me psycho! Look out Alfred Hitchcock!

Marble Hornets Part 2. Came out this week first additions to the story? a picture of a swamp with the words "wake up" carved upside down into a window.

Slowly mapping away again. Not sure i'm going to make it in time for the contest.

Thoughts Exactly. I can't compete and learn at the same time it's murdering me.
Nov 21 2010 09:29 AM -
by competing you ARE learning... but don't think you can release it on time... If you lace over a certain amount of hours into mapping weekly you begin to accumulate "skill"
Nov 21 2010 02:26 PM

Just beat 1187. It was epic. (for thoughs that don't know its a hl2 mod.)

@The Joker: Of course you don't. Anything that isn't completely linear is just too hard now isn't it? No wonder game difficulty has gone to the doghouse. Now if you'll excuse me, i think i'll go play some Ocarina of Time.
@Jgoodroad: You had to do it, didn't you? :P
Nov 21 2010 03:43 AM -
Honestly? Great story , Horrible mechanics. If they changed it so everything felt more...idk achievable I would like it more.
Nov 21 2010 09:29 AM -
@WAXT of course I had too, some of those maps were TERRIBLE and blocky... now I never had a challenge with the mod, but it did leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth... I recall the first time I heard about this mod, the fellow mappers on interlopers really did not care for it...
Nov 21 2010 02:31 PM
who doesn't regularly check the thread?
even if they don't map they would still be curious about the possible custom maps they will (eventually) recieve...
but if you want to be subtle you can allways say something like "Just finished posting the biggest media bomb EVERZ!!"
but preferable more... um... yeah.
Nov 20 2010 05:25 PM -
personally? I prefer something crazy like "attention OW patrons you just caught a virus"
you might go to jail, but hey you got noticed.
Nov 21 2010 09:27 AM

New Harry Potter is quite good. Ran into a few people who I wasn't expecting to see :P

They must be trying to make up for the last 4 which were just shit. Daniel Radcliffe cannot act worth squat.
Nov 21 2010 03:49 AM