Community Status Updates
The Joker
Just got recruited by Agent Red Productions(makers of Lethal Stigma and Situation Outbreak)as community coordinator of Lethal Stigma, and as lead developer of Half-Life 2: Retaliation(they took the mod under the wing, by my request) things are looking up.

If the person wiht the highest rep on this forum is evil whats that make the person with the lowest rep.

You guys ever post something and at the time think it's the best post ever... only to re read it a few days later and realize you look like a douchebag? It's been happining to me a lot recently.

There are posts I've made on the Svencoop forums from when I was an early teen and they're incredibly irritating, happens to everyone :P Everyone just has to remember to chill :)
Jan 10 2011 04:19 PM

Testing is always empty! (At least the later time one) Lets try and fill up a server today.

I favorited a YouTube video -- Chinese Science is SO WIN!

Why is noone on the test server? I can´t do my job properly, only got 3 results at the moment! Wakey Wakey!

The Joker
After the Design Contest results, I will return to the shadows and never be seen again.

The Joker
I was just appointed an administrator of a new mod, and I am currently the development leader of another. Only so much I can do, and deep connections to recreation are not in my regime.
Jan 05 2011 06:17 PM

sorry about my anger yesterday and the last few days just been in a bad mood.

I tink way to much the problem is nomater how well i can get my ideas to fit a given topic i can't word tehm right or even convence peopel of adding them.. I got lucky with this mod soem how.

It would appear balance has finally been created, for better or worse. (Happy 2011 everyone!)

Ran my TF2 script on Overwatch. Low graphics ftw!

just something about the guy makes me hate him i don't know what.. its the same way with joker but i eventually had a reason with him.
Dec 31 2010 08:12 PM -
cause he shoots down his ideas with logic and makes fun of his poor spelling.
Dec 31 2010 08:44 PM -