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I hate malware do to it I had to basicly go today with out internet. IT blocked everything with a fake anti virus even my malware programs so i had to go into safe mode skan the comp fix the problems go out of safe mode update skan again. then i opened up fire fox found out a porxy was overiding my sites so i had to get help and fix that what else can go wrong with this thing other than it frying.

Is it better to show your true colors or hide in the background and pretend tehy don't exist. (i heard this some where).

Pray tell... do you know the meaning of this?
I must say it depends on the crowd. If these are people you care about, you must show your true colors and risk rejection, or never be understood. If you only need this people for an impersonal reason, hide your colors and show them only what they want to see.
Life will be much easier.
Jan 12 2011 03:46 PM

Hello 2011! The winners of Overwatch's Level Design Contest have been announced! Congrats to all:

Now I shall wait untill the next contest before announcing my next OW project. Untill Then I strongly urge everyone of you to spam SamC's profile telling congratz, and demanding he makes another SP or OW map after he relases the final version of Traverse

I'd rather not post anything until they are much closer to completion. One of them is a ways from being done and requires some new features / fixes, and I'm trying to come up with more ideas for it. One is almost done, but I've hit a wall in terms of what else to add. The last is still very rough at this point.
Jan 11 2011 07:04 AM -
No worries, I'm sure we're all looking forward to seeing what you've come up with. :)
Jan 11 2011 07:39 AM -
If you don't tell us what new features/fixes you need, they might not be on our prio list.
Jan 11 2011 01:51 PM

ok i can get on steam again my internet provider unblocked it but netflix is blocked now. Good thing i don't use it.

The Joker
I bid you all farewell, my fellow Overwatchers. Catch me on Overwatch, if you can. And to everyone I know, "Why so serious?"

Hello 2011! The winners of Overwatch's Level Design Contest have been announced! Congrats to all:

My fammaly has to cahange internet provider do to the fact taht ours blocked all video sites (youtube, hulu, ect), steam, and online games do to bandwidth.

RT @MC_Minecastle: Please support Awesome Games Done Quick by RT'ing this and/or donating! (All donations go to Preve...

I am 9 off from being exactly oposite of andy on rep.. Wierd i think thats a good thing.

Why is Richtoffen's voice in my head? Let me sleep! Oh it's vonderbar!

If all goes well, we should be able to announce the winners and such by Monday.
Jan 08 2011 11:45 AM -