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I would like to ask again, when is the official 1.4.0 version coming out? Of how far-along is 1.4.0 approximately? I would love to join the dev version, my gaming comp also happens to be my mom's work comp and she's already complaining about how much space my games library takes-up.

You should join the overwatch mod steam group as the events are scheduled there
May 28 2011 10:11 AM -

Well as you may see in the "Game ideas" topic, I have an idea for a game. I'm using(or want to use) XNA. For the mod I playtest HL2:Retaliation
May 19 2011 07:47 AM -

I unfortunantly had to uninstall steam from my comp. As I was causing every thing on my comp to lag out even when it wasn't running aka some file from it was always runnign in the background. Till I find a way to run steam on my home comp with out killing it I will be gone.

If you're using windows you can ctrl-alt-delete, open task manager and then select processes, then end Steam. I believe that all Source games, including SDK need it running, but non-source games seem to run fine if I end steam.
May 13 2011 05:41 PM -
I have had hammer compiling while steam was shut off because of logging in from other pc
May 16 2011 08:35 AM -
All i know is I uninstalled steam from this comp and everything started running 100% better.
May 18 2011 04:38 PM

I found out why my mic wasn't working. Some moron call Rick hadn't put the button to "on"

Would it be wrong to call someone who is reviving me while I'm deliberately killing myself, a troll. He certainly knew I was killing myself. I think Ranma knows what I'm talking about.

He was kind of like a troll in that manner. But in that instance you guys were all stuck behind that glitched door and bored to tears. It just gave him something to do; I doubt he would have done it if you were in the middle of a battle.
May 01 2011 12:15 PM -
Yeah, but if I weren't stuck I wouldn't have killed myself, and well, honestly, that map was pretty bad.
May 01 2011 02:52 PM -
There's always the chance he was just stupid beyond belief. Unless he was laughing his ass-off while he did it... then yes you've been trolled.
May 01 2011 08:05 PM

running comp in same mode malware is annoying 5th time removing same malware file this time I didn't even have enternet open when it hit. I was connected but nothing open.

Don't you have a anti-malware program? As a pc-owner that's a must these days.
May 02 2011 06:29 AM

running comp in same mode malware is annoying 5th time removing same malware file this time I didn't even have enternet open when it hit. I was connected but nothing open.

Well actually, I'm back earlier than I expected, so there's still time for SVN. Maybe, maybe.
Apr 28 2011 04:02 PM -
Well, then our maps might be battling head to head. Or well brushes to brushes or whatever.
Apr 28 2011 04:10 PM

I really need to get a hobby.. also any one here know any really good hl2 single player mods.

Well...Here's my list of good HL2mods:
Precursor(Needs EP2)
SMOD+all SMOD mods (for Tactical and CS:Sci-fi needs CS:S)
Opposing force 2 demo
Nightmare House 2 (EP2)
Well..these are really good mods I guess...
Apr 23 2011 09:22 AM -
Fakefactory's Cinematic Mod 10.94( Needs HL2 and EP1 and EP2 + a nuclear plant for the highest graphic(never played))
Apr 23 2011 09:24 AM -
Paranoia and Insomnia
They're single-player maps for HL2, but you can find them in G-mod if you can't find them elsewhere. Scary as hell.
Apr 24 2011 11:25 AM

The week of good updates: #TF2 got a hatless, #Magicka got Vietnam and #Minecraft gets improvements and bugfixes like before Helloween :)

Well today has been a long day. firs my comp gets attacked, (soem one hit me hard with malware I can tell it was an attack because of teh mesage at the message taht popped up at teh start.) then school goes bad now steam is having problems. (I can fix teh steam problems.)

The Joker
Damn. Some day huh. Some malware from a website or something you probably shouldn't have been on. School is bad because its always other people who's sole purpose it to make your day worse. Steam... Well, VALVe is lazy, I wouldn't be surprised if Steam had problems.
Apr 18 2011 05:20 PM -
the malware was an attack not from a site. I know this mainly because the following message popped up before everything went down. "f*ck you warbrand2"
Apr 18 2011 06:34 PM -