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notes for next 4th. 1. do nto drink margaritas the famaly doesn't bring none alcaholic ones and hange overs are nto fun. 2. run from the crazy kid wiht a sparkler tehy hurt like hell. 3. do not fall a sleep in the pool. 4. actually buy fire wroks. (THis 4th was interesting to say the least)

This is an English forum. Although this may have to do with twitter. Are you JackieChan?
Jul 03 2011 06:03 PM
The Joker
I have decided to complete my map. It'll be better, more organized, not so god damn clunked up and confusing and funnier. Way funnier.

They just made tf2 free to paly. well here comes the redards an hackers taht join almsot severy free to play game.

The Joker
Why don't we have another Overwatch mapping contest? Not for money or for reward, but simply for elite status, the best of the best. Hmm?

But the guys who rate the maps must be very strict for such a high title. Also a overwatch payload is in development by a guy who hasn't posted it on forums yet.
Jun 23 2011 11:04 AM

I am back sort of. (I got a job). I have been having problems gettign steam back on this comp so I will nto be back in overwatch for a few days. I hope people still play this.

Well, if the events are scheduled for once then people will play. The devs seem to forget that... often.
Jun 23 2011 12:11 PM -
*Sigh* Your attitude is getting old, Rick. For the 20th time, and as mentioned on the Steam group and in the Community Playtimes thread: events are to be scheduled once every TWO weeks, and they have been.
Jun 23 2011 03:18 PM -
I was getting a feeling you ignored me, well seems this 'attitude' has an effect.
Jul 03 2011 06:53 PM
The Joker
Has the team died or something? I even expect their ghosts to be around here somewhere.

We're not dead. We have a shortage of mappers, so there's not much we can do on OW for now. In the meantime, we're working on something new. We don't want to leave OW unfinished, so we'll try to get things going again soon.
Jun 14 2011 08:14 AM -
I haven't actually sent him the map yet. It still needs improvement.
Jun 14 2011 08:15 PM

I have reinstalled steam on this comp. I can't deal wiht not having half life.

It's not a default setting, but occasionally gets turned on by some freak accident. It happened to me while playing Portal:Prelude. So ugly.
Jun 04 2011 05:25 PM -
yay it worked had to redo it though. got to nova prospect and half way through everything when full bright.
Jun 04 2011 08:54 PM

Yes, those maps really need some more bug fixing. Also, my and coppermantis' map. And official maps. I know breach is almost done.
Jun 02 2011 05:14 AM -
They promised frequent updates. That unannounced other mod be better good.
Jun 12 2011 10:44 AM

Don't let it die! All you have to do is read a a paragraph or two and push a button to contribute.

Die Hintergrundbeleuchtung ist im #ESC bisher der Atemberaubendste Teilnehmer gewesen. 12 points go to LED-Wand!