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Pending - Ongoing Research
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Before Flaming or Not Relevant Bugs. I believe some may be errors. But some are not able to be done yes. This was put together to let the devs know of issues, and this might be on purpose or cannot be fixed, like said previously. I did this so if some were fixed, making plugins to do fun things could be possible.
I attached a picture of the crash error for fastzombie_torso, and a spawned airboar just for lulz.
The Following List was Created Using the 2 following methods with sv_cheats 1.
npc_create "command"
give "command"
Example: npc_create npc_manhack
ch_createairboat - Works If You Use hl2\scripts\vehicles\airboat.txt From (Source 2007 Binaries.gcf)
ch_createjeep - Doesn't Spawn. (Been Told to Offset Hack it)
ch_createjalopy - Doesn't Spawn. (No Idea How To Spawn, New To Orangebox engine)
weapon_slam - Doesn't Work.
weapon_annabelle - Using Weapon Scripts File Allowed Spawn, Yet T-Shape, since no model was ever made. (Script in Source 2007 Binaries.gcf)
weapon_bugbait - Using Weapon Scripts File Allowed Spawn, Yet T-Shape, since no model was ever made. (Script in Source 2007 Binaries.gcf)
npc_fastzombie_torso - fast_torso.mdl Not Precached, SRCDS / Game Crash.
npc_tripmine - Use Give To Spawn, Which In Turn CRASHES YOU, Since weapon_slam is broken.
npc_fisherman - Spawns a Giant Error Sign Which Turns When looked at.
npc_newnpc - Spawns a Giant Error Sign Which Turns When looked at.
npc_turret_floor - Spawns Correctly, Not Firing. (Using Give though will crash the game.)
npc_cscanner - Spawns a hostile City Scanner, which follows you around and blinds you / Overwatch can control.
npc_clawscanner - Spawns a hostile Combine Scanner, which follows you around and blinds you / Overwatch can control.
npc_manhack - Spawns a hostile Manhack to Rebels / Overwatch can control.
npc_antlion - Spawns a hostile Antlion to both forces.
npc_antlionguard - Spawns a hostile Antlion Guard to both forces.
npc_crow - Spawns a Stupid Crow.
npc_fastzombie - Spawns a hostile Fast Zombie to both forces.
npc_headcrab - Spawns a hostile Headcrab to both forces.
npc_headcrab_black - Spawns a hostile Black Headcrab to both forces.
npc_headcrab_fast - Spawns a hostile Fast Headcrab to both forces.
npc_headcrab_poison - Spawns a hostile Posion Headcrab to both forces.
npc_pigeon - Spawns a stupid Pigeon
npc_poisonzombie - Spawns a hostile Posion Zombie to both forces.
npc_seagull - Spawns a stupid Seagull.
npc_zombie - Spawns a hostile Zombie to both forces.
npc_zombie_torso - Spawns a hostile Zombie Torso to both forces.
npc_antlion_template_maker - Does Nothing
npc_apcdriver - Does Nothing
npc_barnacle_tongue_tip - Does Nothing
npc_bullseye - Does Nothing
npc_concussiongrenade - Does Nothing
npc_contactgrenade - Does Nothing
npc_cranedriver - Does Nothing
npc_enemyfinder - Does Nothing
npc_enemyfinder_combinecannon - Does Nothing
npc_furniture - Does Nothing
npc_heli_avoidbox - Does Nothing
npc_heli_avoidsphere - Does Nothing
npc_heli_nobomb - Does Nothing
npc_helicoptersensor - Does Nothing
npc_launcher - Does Nothing
npc_maker - Does Nothing
npc_template_maker - Does Nothing
npc_vehicledriver - Does Nothing
npc_turret_ground - Does Nothing
npc_alyx - Don't Spawn
npc_barney - Don't Spawn
npc_breen - Don't Spawn
npc_citizen - Don't Spawn
npc_combine - Don't Spawn
npc_dog - Don't Spawn
npc_eli - Don't Spawn
npc_gman - Don't Spawn
npc_ichthyosaur - Don't Spawn
npc_kleiner - Don't Spawn
npc_monk - Don't Spawn
npc_mossman - Don't Spawn
npc_stalker - Don't Spawn
npc_vortigaunt - Don't Spawn
npc_barnacle - Spawns Half In Ground
npc_combine_camera - Spawns Half In Ground
npc_combine_s - Spawns As Soldier, No Gun, Don't Move, Hits you if your close to him.
npc_metropolice - Spawns As MetroPolice, No Gun, Runs After You, Doesn't Hit You.
npc_combinedropship - Spawns Slighty Above Ground, Don't Move or Fire.
npc_combinegunship - Use Give To Spawn, Spawns in Ground, Fires At You with Invisible Bullets.
npc_helicopter - Use Give To Spawn, Spawns in Ground, Fires At You With Invisible Bullets.
npc_rollermine - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Attacks You, Follows You When Around it and attacks.
npc_strider - Use Give To Spawn, Fires At You with Invisible Bullets.
npc_sniper - Spawns Hostile Combine Sniper, The Model Wont Move, will Instantly kill you when hit, killed with grenades only.
npc_satchel - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Drops Half In Ground, Detonation Only Available Through Shooting it.
npc_grenade_bugbait - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Throws Bug Bait Where Aiming.
npc_grenade_frag - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Drops Broken Grenade At Feet.
npc_handgrenade - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Drops Grenade at Feet, and Detonates, Usually Killing You in Return.
npc_turret_ceiling - Spawns In Ground
I attached a picture of the crash error for fastzombie_torso, and a spawned airboar just for lulz.
The Following List was Created Using the 2 following methods with sv_cheats 1.
npc_create "command"
give "command"
Example: npc_create npc_manhack
ch_createairboat - Works If You Use hl2\scripts\vehicles\airboat.txt From (Source 2007 Binaries.gcf)
ch_createjeep - Doesn't Spawn. (Been Told to Offset Hack it)
ch_createjalopy - Doesn't Spawn. (No Idea How To Spawn, New To Orangebox engine)
weapon_slam - Doesn't Work.
weapon_annabelle - Using Weapon Scripts File Allowed Spawn, Yet T-Shape, since no model was ever made. (Script in Source 2007 Binaries.gcf)
weapon_bugbait - Using Weapon Scripts File Allowed Spawn, Yet T-Shape, since no model was ever made. (Script in Source 2007 Binaries.gcf)
npc_fastzombie_torso - fast_torso.mdl Not Precached, SRCDS / Game Crash.
npc_tripmine - Use Give To Spawn, Which In Turn CRASHES YOU, Since weapon_slam is broken.
npc_fisherman - Spawns a Giant Error Sign Which Turns When looked at.
npc_newnpc - Spawns a Giant Error Sign Which Turns When looked at.
npc_turret_floor - Spawns Correctly, Not Firing. (Using Give though will crash the game.)
npc_cscanner - Spawns a hostile City Scanner, which follows you around and blinds you / Overwatch can control.
npc_clawscanner - Spawns a hostile Combine Scanner, which follows you around and blinds you / Overwatch can control.
npc_manhack - Spawns a hostile Manhack to Rebels / Overwatch can control.
npc_antlion - Spawns a hostile Antlion to both forces.
npc_antlionguard - Spawns a hostile Antlion Guard to both forces.
npc_crow - Spawns a Stupid Crow.
npc_fastzombie - Spawns a hostile Fast Zombie to both forces.
npc_headcrab - Spawns a hostile Headcrab to both forces.
npc_headcrab_black - Spawns a hostile Black Headcrab to both forces.
npc_headcrab_fast - Spawns a hostile Fast Headcrab to both forces.
npc_headcrab_poison - Spawns a hostile Posion Headcrab to both forces.
npc_pigeon - Spawns a stupid Pigeon
npc_poisonzombie - Spawns a hostile Posion Zombie to both forces.
npc_seagull - Spawns a stupid Seagull.
npc_zombie - Spawns a hostile Zombie to both forces.
npc_zombie_torso - Spawns a hostile Zombie Torso to both forces.
npc_antlion_template_maker - Does Nothing
npc_apcdriver - Does Nothing
npc_barnacle_tongue_tip - Does Nothing
npc_bullseye - Does Nothing
npc_concussiongrenade - Does Nothing
npc_contactgrenade - Does Nothing
npc_cranedriver - Does Nothing
npc_enemyfinder - Does Nothing
npc_enemyfinder_combinecannon - Does Nothing
npc_furniture - Does Nothing
npc_heli_avoidbox - Does Nothing
npc_heli_avoidsphere - Does Nothing
npc_heli_nobomb - Does Nothing
npc_helicoptersensor - Does Nothing
npc_launcher - Does Nothing
npc_maker - Does Nothing
npc_template_maker - Does Nothing
npc_vehicledriver - Does Nothing
npc_turret_ground - Does Nothing
npc_alyx - Don't Spawn
npc_barney - Don't Spawn
npc_breen - Don't Spawn
npc_citizen - Don't Spawn
npc_combine - Don't Spawn
npc_dog - Don't Spawn
npc_eli - Don't Spawn
npc_gman - Don't Spawn
npc_ichthyosaur - Don't Spawn
npc_kleiner - Don't Spawn
npc_monk - Don't Spawn
npc_mossman - Don't Spawn
npc_stalker - Don't Spawn
npc_vortigaunt - Don't Spawn
npc_barnacle - Spawns Half In Ground
npc_combine_camera - Spawns Half In Ground
npc_combine_s - Spawns As Soldier, No Gun, Don't Move, Hits you if your close to him.
npc_metropolice - Spawns As MetroPolice, No Gun, Runs After You, Doesn't Hit You.
npc_combinedropship - Spawns Slighty Above Ground, Don't Move or Fire.
npc_combinegunship - Use Give To Spawn, Spawns in Ground, Fires At You with Invisible Bullets.
npc_helicopter - Use Give To Spawn, Spawns in Ground, Fires At You With Invisible Bullets.
npc_rollermine - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Attacks You, Follows You When Around it and attacks.
npc_strider - Use Give To Spawn, Fires At You with Invisible Bullets.
npc_sniper - Spawns Hostile Combine Sniper, The Model Wont Move, will Instantly kill you when hit, killed with grenades only.
npc_satchel - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Drops Half In Ground, Detonation Only Available Through Shooting it.
npc_grenade_bugbait - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Throws Bug Bait Where Aiming.
npc_grenade_frag - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Drops Broken Grenade At Feet.
npc_handgrenade - Use Give To Spawn, Instantly Drops Grenade at Feet, and Detonates, Usually Killing You in Return.
npc_turret_ceiling - Spawns In Ground
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