Notice anything different? You're right! This is a new evil hat I'm wearing. How can a hat be evil you say? Who cares! You're here for some juicy IA! news, not fashion tips!
Surprise! We're back with a bang and a bottomless bagful of IA! media and information that we plan to share with you over the coming months as we inch closer and closer to that anticipated first release!
It was only six short months ago that we announced Intruder Alert! on IndieDB, and to kick off the next six exciting months of our indie adventure, we decided to brighten up our profile there with the game's brand new logo and an orange-centric theme. Take a look around!
If you like what you see (and even if you don't), be sure to let us know! We still plan to make a few tweaks to the logo and additions to the page's design over time, but we'd love to get your feedback on what we have so far.
Moving right on to (much) more interesting development-related matters, you'll be happy to know that IA! is coming along quite nicely! With our team still hard at work implementing more of the game's core features (this week: GP Roles) and making good progress on building IA!'s first level, it won't be long before you finally get your hands on that pre-alpha build.
The biggest piece of development news comes from our artists who've been working their tails off on the game's overall look and feel, focusing a bit more on functional design and slightly less on just "making things pretty".
You'll notice that while the art style itself hasn't changed (compared to in-game screenshots we've released in the past), the areas are now bigger, more open and much more interesting! Not only is this new direction much more visually appealing but it is also a big improvement in gameplay terms. We'll be putting together a blog post very soon explaining it all in more detail!
And that's just the tip of the iceberg! You can expect more in-game screenies, new concepts, gameplay videos and much, much more in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we encourage you to participate in this month's Ask the Team!, and don't forget about Overwatch's big release, too!
On a final note, we've decided to make a small change to our news release schedule. Rather than posting once every two weeks on the dot (whether we have much to show or not), we'll instead be a bit more unpredictable and only post when we've gathered enough awesome media and info to share with you. In short, our updates will be slightly less frequent (at least once a month) but much juicier.
That's all for today! Remember to track our profile on IndieDB (or on any of the social networking sites listed below the site menu above) to be notified of any updates!
To all evil masterminds, spies and spyettes out there: hold on to your hats!
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