ScrooLewse, on 03 April 2012 - 06:34 PM, said:
I'm about to say in-
Day 6 - Death of the quickmap
I added lighting, nodes, encounters. The lighting was a pain because sometimes the area wouldn't light, mostly due to the models getting in the way, so I disabled shadows, and the light would show, but the ceiling and in some cases, the model itself, would appear completely black. Also, the outdoor areas were pretty dark and didn't know how to tweak the enviromental light to work properly.
I added the prefab mounted gun. It worked great.
As I said, I don't like moving brushes. So when I discovered I didn't have enough room for an area I added a new room, a cut idea for a levellord style "Everyone is tiny." This fit perfectly after the long hallway too. The long hallway was an optical illusion where what looks like a long hallway is actually a normal hallway that gets smaller until you are crawling like in a vent. Having it lead to a giant room worked well. I originally ditched the levellord idea (which was going to be a kitchen top) due to the lack of textures to pull it off. The living room works ok, but it's not great.
Ultimately though, I decided to abandon the map. I will keep the file, and might work on it later, but don't count on it. It is the latest in a huge number of failed projects. The street area worked great, but the rest was bad thing after minor mistake after edit. I did learn alot, and feel I was perhaps over ambisious with the project. I still like the idea of a normal HL2 map suddenly going crazy, but the execution, I feel, was terrible. Remember, I wasn't expecting a great map to begin with. At this point it might not be worth salvaging.
I think I will plan better, have more of map written down on paper or in my head before I start. The random enemy spawner worked, but was ultimately limited as it didn't make much of a difference. The only time it did was in the levellord area, where there was many places to spawn, so not knowing where and what enemy would be was fun, but when the spawn is 2 or 3 places within the same area, not very exciting.
So, where to go from here?
I did think of having another go, but a different idea. I have a belief in a design theory of picking 1 location and focusing on it to bring out the flavour. It also has to be based on something in Half Life 2. I want it to be indoors.
-Nova Prospect springs to mind, but I'm not sure I want to do that as it might be boring for me. Also there are plenty of Nova Prospect maps out there. It would be the most straight forward.
-Razor Train. When I think of FPS maps, stuff where there is some kind of boarding action are always great. We all remember that UT map with the train, or the UT04 map where you raid the missile convoy in the desert, and Lost Planet 2 has a few of these, and they are pretty good. The problem is the background. I have seen HL1 and UT maps that have the scrolling background, so it should be doable in source. I just don't know how. I'll have the train in a really long tunnel or underground. So it doesn't even have to look great. I won't have to worry about signposting as much as, being a train, there is only 1 way to go, and that's forwards. The textures are mostly citadel so all should be fine.
-Horde. I hate survival maps. The problem with them was it was often trial and error of finding the right corner to hide in. I liked how games like Mass Effect have set about combating this, by having objectives you have to do, and by having an end to bloody thing. I also like how the SP DotA like "Swarm" handled buying weapons with kills. My goal would be a map that is winnable in 10-15 minutes, with objectives you have to complete, maybe some kind of buy system. Each buy would get a never ending supply of that thing, so you don't have to worry about running out of ammo for that shotgun you bought. The focus would be on escalating waves, interaction with the environment, and moving.
Or I could do none, or keep doing my crap map. Let me know what you think.
Edited by Sabre, 05 April 2012 - 02:48 AM.