Exactly three months have passed since we announced Intruder Alert! to the world, and we've been making tons of progress since. Here's an exciting new update to kick off the next quarter in style:
Let's begin with a quick recap of the last two weeks before we reveal our surprise (assuming you haven't already skipped ahead). As promised in the previous news entry, we posted the first batch of Feedback Requests a week ago covering GP Roles and Pawn World Markers.
GP Roles - which are similar to classes but with a few important distinctions - were first introduced in Overwatch, starting with the Defender and followed by the Medic. As the feature itself is quite popular (and definitely has plenty of potential), it was one of the first non-core gameplay elements to be designed and prototyped in IA!. We have tons of new ideas for it (including three brand new roles) and have detailed many of them in the first FbReq thread.
→ Feedback Request: GP Roles
Pawn World Markers are a simple but extremely important aspect of the players' HUD; they have two main purposes: highlighting in-game characters (to make them easier to spot) and giving the OP valuable information about his/her units at a quick glance. Our implementation of the feature in IA! is almost the same as it was in OW, with only a few minor differences which we've described in the second FbReq thread.
→ Feedback Request: Pawn World Markers
Keep an eye out for new FbReq threads (added often) and be sure to share as many of your comments, ideas and suggestions as possible on the topics described above by posting replies. We're also counting on you to start your very own discussions regarding features you believe belong in the game by writing in the appropriate section of our community forums. Last but not least, get any and all questions you have about our projects and team answered by taking part in our monthly Ask the Team! event. By working together, we can make IA! a truly great game!
And now, the surprise! As we'd hinted in our last communiqué, we've been working on some videos for IA!, both for promotion and to showcase gameplay and features. Today, we'd like to present you with Intruder Alert!'s very first teaser trailer. Enjoy!
You can also watch the video above in HD on YouTube.
With the teaser out of the way, we plan to start releasing new gameplay videos (shot in-engine) every few weeks to complement our Spotlight/Development blog.
Want to have your work showcased in those videos? Why not join us! We're always looking to expand our small team, so if you believe you have what it takes to work with us on this very demanding (and very gratifying) project, read the posted information about our openings and send us a message; we'd love to hear from you!
On a final note, you can now show your support and more easily keep track of IA!'s progress by joining, following, liking and subscribing to us on these brand new Steam, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube accounts.
And remember: the latest IA! news and information is always served first right here on the rM Community site, so be sure to check back often!
This post has been promoted to an article