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A Rebel Leader and a Combine Team

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#1 TheLongestUsernameYoullSee


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Posted 12 October 2011 - 08:01 PM

Basically, what this would do is add two more teams. The Resistance Leader, and the Combine. The Overwatch would spawn both NPC combine, and players could play the role of a combine. The Rebel Leader could tell the rebels what to do, as in where to go, and what to do. The Combine team would not have the 100 health the resistance have, they instead will be stuck with the health/weapons they would spawn with if they were NPC's. So a person who spawns as a Combine Elite would have the AR2, but nothing else, and he can't pick up anything either. There would only need to be a few players playing as Combine, since the Overwatch can spawn them, but the human combine can be 2nd in commands of the Overwatch, so if the overwatch tells them where to go, the Combine Players could press "e" (or whatever it is for the use key) on NPC's to make them join a kind of "squad".

Resistance will still be completely human however, with the Resistance Leader being like a person in spectate mode telling them where to go/how to get somewhere. I could describe this in more detail however, but I am limited on time. Resistance leader would be specified using a little symbol next to their username, and they are voted by the players. They are still in FPS position, however, they have way more health and can gain armour. If they go down, then the resistance can either revive him, or if he isn't revived, can try and win without him. In future gamemodes, you could make the Leader have a specific role in the map, such as escorting him from point A to point B.

#2 Gabe(HUN)


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Posted 13 October 2011 - 03:58 PM

About the Resistance Leader: It will be nice, that describe this in more detail, because it is more than like a buffed rebel soldier. Maybe adding some Leadership bonus to the nearby mates (like more health, more damage, etc), and because of that, the regular rebels going to follow that player.
About the " adding players to the Overwatch team" thing: this type of idea is discussed before( like this: http://community.ove...dians-playable/) and still don't like it: becoming HL2:DM is not the best I guess. Another problem with that, is the OW must Cooperate the Combine Players, is much risky, I think.

#3 Coppermantis

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 08:02 PM

If I understand, your idea is to add a player-giving-orders-to-other-players feature like in Nuclear Dawn, except instead of any player entering the tactical mode it's just a single player able to do it?

I prefer the idea of allowing A player to control Combine Boss enemies, like Striders and Gunships.

#4 The Joker

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 10:00 PM

I absolutely disagree with adding a PC(player controlled) unit to the Overwatch team. It just doesn't work and the chemistry takes awake from Overwatch. As for the Resistance, I also do feel that having a "squad leader" type of unit or class would be useful, but not in every game. I feel map-specific rebel VIPs or something would make more sense as far as strategic and tactical terms of gameplay.

#5 TheLongestUsernameYoullSee


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Posted 16 October 2011 - 09:23 PM

Yeah, the Player Controlled Combine team may not have been the best idea. And I do see how this makes it sort of like "HL2: DM". A rebel leader would be picked at random in certain gamemodes, such as maybe an escort gamemode. Or specific objective only gamemodes. They'd have a special skin (*cough* Gordon Freeman *cough*) and would have to be guided through, although they can also fight. They would, of course, be buffed up versions of the resistance. However, the Combine AI would target the Leader more often than regular Resistance, meaning he/she would need the backup.

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