Random stupidity : Overwatch campaign
Posted 08 January 2011 - 11:34 AM
First level : The camp.
Map : maybe a created one.
Characters : Sergeant X (Se), the Twin brothers (T1 and T2), Coporal X ©, 2 soldiers (S1 and S2), the Player X (P)
*Inside a rebel camp, P is in the ranks, with S1, S2, T1 and T2. C watch them. P can't move, exepted the head. Se appears and everybody stand to attention (right word?). Se stand frony of S1.*
Se - Present yourself !
S1 - I am S1 !
*Se do this with every characters. He finish with P.*
Se - Don't present yourself, I know who are you.
*Se stand close to C*
Se - Soldiers, you are here because you want to taste the freedom. You will walk like free mens, fight like free mens, and die like free mens.
S2 - We gonna meet Gordon Free-mens
*Everybody laugh, exept Se and C*
Se - Hum.....very funny...... To autorise you to do this, we will train you like free mens. C here will be the man who will train you.
*After, C will train the Team and P and P learn the classic commands (crouch, jump, shot).*
*After the training, we heard an alarm*
Se (with a mic) - Alert! The combine found us! Every soldiers to the canal 2! C, escort our rookie to the canal 7, I have a special job for them.
C- You heard Se, follown me.
*The player and the team go in a pipe, end of the map*
Posted 08 January 2011 - 12:11 PM
Map : ow_canal
Characters : Sergeant X (Se), the Twin brothers (T1 and T2), Coporal X ( C), 2 soldiers (S1 and S2), the Player X (P)
*Spawn of ow_canal. Without timer.*
S1 - What Se is doing ?
T1 - I don't know.
T2 - Maybe he is occupied with some combine
S2 - Or he piss in his pant !
C - S2, shut up, and this is an order.
*Se appears throught the pipe of the spawn*
Se - Ok soldiers, the combine will try to flood the canal by destroing the dam. We must get the hell out from here.
*Se press a button and the ladder go down. Se block the way of P to the ladder*
Se - Go ahead with C, I must talk with him (P).
*The team take the ladder, exept Se of course*
Se - Soldier, I observed you during your training, you are very good. Maybe you could be a great soldier. Not as good as Gordon Freeman of course. But if you want to be a hero you must follown me like a dog.
*Shot sound*
Se - I think we must move up. Take the medkit over here.
*After P take the medkit, he become a Medic. Se and P take the ladder. They go in the first pipe on the left, S1 is here*
Se - Report soldier
S1 - We got seperated Se, I see the Twin brothers go in this pipe over here but I don't know where is C and S2.
Se - Ok, follown me guys, we gonna help the Twin brothers.
*Se, S1 and P go inside the pipe on the right. They have some manhack. T1 and T2 are at the other side of the pipe. T2 got a shield*
Se - Can you explain me why are you here ?
T1 - When we got attacked, T2 go here and I follown him.
T2 - I'm hurt Se.
Se - T2, I don't want coward in my team. But I don't want dead soldiers too. P, heal him.
*P heal T2*
T2 - Thank you.
Se - I'm pretty sure you will be hurt again, and your brother will be with you. P, give the Medkit to T1.
*P drop the Medkit, T1 take it*
Se - Good job. (To T2) If I see you run away from the fight I kill you ! But for now you give your shield to P.*
T2 drop the shield, P take it. P is a defender*
Se - (To P) Ok, we must found C.
T1 - He is on the other side of the canal Se.
Se - Hum....He gonna need support. P, go first with your shield, we follown you.
* The team go to the first gate. C and S2 are here*
C - Happy to see you Se.
Se - Me too.
*Se go to the gate*
Se - Shit! The combine close the gate. Who got the explosives?
S2 - Me sir.
Se - Destroy this gate. Cover him soldiers.
*S2 try to plant the bomb but an explosive barrel kill him*
Se (When he see the barrel) - WATCH OUT!!!! (S2 die) Oh shit! P, revive him!
*P revive S2*
S2 - Thank you, I think I was dead.
Se - Finish your job!
*S2 plant the bomb, the gate explode.*
*In the first "safe house"*
Se - Good job everybody, but this is not over. If the combine close this gate they probabely close every gates.
T2 - Se, can I have my shield again?
Se - Ok, but it's because you keep fighting and stay alive. P, give him your shield.
*P drop the shield, T2 take it*
Se - Destroy this rubbers S2
S2 - Ok.
*The team, after, play the map normally and escape. If a character die P can respawn him. P must finish the map with the entire team.*
Posted 11 January 2011 - 06:20 AM
Map : ow_citadel
Character : Overwatch S25 (Ow), the player (P)
*P start as Overwatch. A small television apear. We can see Ow in it.*
Ow - You got your orders : prevent the rebels for destroing the main generator. They will be here in a moment, let's see if everything work.
*Ow learn to the player every Overwatch commands.*
Ow - Seems we don't have any problems.........Oh, the rebels are in the elevator. Kiill them.
*P play a classic round as Overwatch*
Ow - Good job, you kill every rebel rats down here, go back to your lockers now.
*End of the level*
Posted 11 January 2011 - 06:59 AM
Map : ow_crossroad
Characters : Sergeant X (Se), the Twin brothers (T1 and T2), Coporal X ( C), 2 soldiers (S1 and S2), the Player X (P)
*The team is close to the bunker*
S2 - This is the plan : escape a location full of combine to go....here.
Se - We don't need our commentaries.
S2 - You stuck us in this hell by your fault.
S1 - Hey, can you explain me where we are?
*Small silence*
Se - We are in Ravenholm.
S1 - Ravenholm.....I heard this before
S2 - You know, the city full of headcrabs and zombies.
T1 - Oh no, not Ravenholm!
T2 - Why we are here Se?!
*Small silence*
Se - I think first the way we have take will be clear.
S2 - So you do an error.
Se - Shut the fuck up!!!
*Small silence*
Se - The plan was : we take this way, we stay in this bunker and wait for backup.
T1 - How do you call them?
Se - They have a radio in the bunker, C actually try to call White Forest.
T2 - But you forget 2 things : they have zombies everywhere and the Combine will found us.
Se - I don't think they will found us...
*Se was interrumpted by C, who come back from the bunker*
C - You've wrong sir, some Combine are on the way and the zombies are very close.
Se - Shit!
S2 - Sir, I'm pretty sure the Combine will try to destroy the steel doors on the rescue point A, B, and C to allow they back up to get in.
Se - How did you know that?
S2 - I lived here before.....hum........that.
Se - Oh....
*We heard the scream of a zombie horde*
Se - Oh shit! Incoming! Everyone defend the bunker! P, I have a special job for you. If S2 say true, the Combine will try to destroy the door on the point A, B and C. Your job is to protect theses doors. S1 and S2, help him. I think you must take a shield or a medkit.
*P play a normal round. Se, C, T1 and T2 stay at the bunker. S1 and S2 follown P. If Se need backup, he call P.*
*At the end of the round, some rebels apears and escort the team to an exit*
*End of the level*
Posted 11 January 2011 - 09:24 AM
Why not making two different campaigns? Like:
1) the campaign levels you said and some more ( Excluding the citadel one)
2) The extra Overwatch campaign you can play AFTER playing the entire Rebel campaign
3) Co-op?
4) ???
Posted 11 January 2011 - 03:15 PM
Fifth level : The next mission
Map : A created one.
Character : An Overwatch (Ow), Overwatch Master (Om), the player (P)
*P is in a locker with some other Overwatch. A door open and Ow get in the room*
Ow - (talking to P) You, follown me, the Overwatch Master want to talk to you.
*P follown Ow. On the way he can see inside the citadel and some Overwatch working (maybe we could have some inspiration with this awsome art from Assigir.*
*At the other way of the hallway, Ow open a door and P enter in a room. The room look like the Breen's office, with a big window which show a giant city (City 17 or an other?). Om is in the room, watching throught the window. He got an better armor than the other Overwatch (and his helmet off?)*
Om - Oh, the man who protect the main generator of the citadel. I want to congratulate you for what you've done. I got an other job for you : the rebels attack from everywhere an you are the only Overwatch I got.....Excuse me the only good Overwatch I got. Your objective is to protect one of the......possible breach than the rebels can exploit. Do not decived me,(become angry) the last Overwatch who decived me because he cannot destroy a bunker and kill some zombies was.......(calm down)......well, do what you must do.
*End of the level, maybe we can had a part where P must go to his control computer*
Posted 11 January 2011 - 03:23 PM
Map : ow_breach.
Character : An Overwatch (Ow), the Overwatch Master (Om), the player (P).
*P is in ow_breach as Overwatch*
Ow - some rebels are coming to your sector, kill them.
*P play a basic round as Overwatch, maybe we can add some "rebels waves". At the end of the round, a screen apear. Ow apear in it*
Ow - The Overwatch Master want to talk to you.
*Om apear*
Om - Good, very good. You do what to do as a professional Overwatch......what I'm saying you are a professional. But for now, I think you must prepare for an evacuation, the citadel core is ready to explode.
*End of the level and of the campaign*
*After, we can add a part when we see the team trying to found the rebels who died and when P as Overwatch must escape from the citadel throught a teleporter.*
Posted 12 January 2011 - 03:24 PM
Posted 13 January 2011 - 03:37 PM
Posted 13 January 2011 - 09:33 PM
Good, could use some grammar fixes, but it is good.
I always thought it would be better to have maps made custom for tutorial.
Something like escaping Black Mesa East during the Combine assault for the Rebels, and clearing-out the zombie-infested Sewer systems of C17 for the Overwatch.
Posted 14 January 2011 - 10:29 AM
ScrooLewse, on 13 January 2011 - 09:33 PM, said:
Something like escaping Black Mesa East during the Combine assault for the Rebels, and clearing-out the zombie-infested Sewer systems of C17 for the Overwatch.
Posted 14 January 2011 - 01:59 PM
Quenquent, on 14 January 2011 - 10:29 AM, said:
BUT, unlike a lot of other mods, the maps themselves aren't very hard to learn. And it would be easier to set-up training situations in a single-player environment.
Posted 14 January 2011 - 02:57 PM
ScrooLewse, on 14 January 2011 - 01:59 PM, said:
This will be the choice of the devs, if they want a single-player game.
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