The theme for this map is the seven hour war. The rebels start off in the lower decks of a tugboat, but are abruptly warned to get off the ship. After proceeding to the docks, the rebels get off of the boat. Seconds after the rebels are off, the boat is hit by a mortar strike from the combine suppression cannon. The ship sinks in a lot of smoke and steam, the rebels are left in a town that's been evacuated, and the Xen homeworld and the combine are both merging at this very location.
Expect to see some of the following(not all):
*combine citadel smashing into background city
*extensive story
*possibly custom models(if someone's willing to help)
*huge areas for gameplay
*multiple types of gameplay in multiple different areas.
*ZoMbIeS(only in certain areas)
*cool scenery
If you are interested in helping out with this level, I need a modeller who knows what they're doing. The modeller will need to make a smaller, different version of the combine citadel for the scenery. Maybe a replacement tugboat.
Any ideas would and will be appreciated, volunteer modellers might be needed, and again, community input is necassary.