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Add me if any of you wanna play some Overwatch or something :D

Hey Boxiii, hop on IRC (Chat at the top), there's usually someone in there that wants to play!
Jul 23 2010 05:35 PM

Captain Scarlet, He's the one who knows the Mysteron Game, And things that they plan. Captain Scarlet, To his Martian foes a dangerous name, A superman. They crash him, and his body may burn, They smash him. But they know he'll return, To live again. Captain Scarlet, As the Angels are flying wing to wing, Into the scene, Spectrum Is Green. Captain Scarlet, Though the Mysteron's plan to conquer the earth, This indestructible man will show what he's worth. Captain Scarlet

RI gather from this Steve Jobs requires people's encouragement to generate the force. Interesting...

Pattom →
Gah, I'm sorry! Work was keeping me on my toes all last week, so I didn't have much time to run through WiC again. But now I've got it sorted out. Going to run through a few games of Overwatch, and I'll start laying out some ideas. :D

Overwatch v1.0.1 has been released and over 60 new players have been invited!

Well this is fun.. Steam's going through a ton of updates right now and I can't seem to even launch anything anymore..

It seems to have settled down and I can launch Overwatch now, so I'll send out the invites in a few minutes.
Jul 21 2010 01:24 PM

Overwatch v1.0.1 download is now available and servers have been updated. Access and instructions being rolled out shortly.

This day feels like its going at the right pace. Not too slow but not too fast. :D