Community Status Updates

Whenever I try to put a Breencast on a combine monitor in Hammer all the textures come out black.... I should probably look at how they did it in the HL2 maps....

Anyone noticed that when you die, and get revived, you magically regain full ammo?

and lose the riot shield if someone doesn't pick it up asap, but that part's pretty balanced.
Aug 22 2010 08:49 AM -
Yep, you regain full ammo as, at the moment, you get the same equipment as if you first spawned. That won't change until we implement the tech tree. :)
Aug 22 2010 03:19 PM -

I liked a YouTube video -- Modern Warfare 2: The Real OMA: Highest Scoring TDM EVER?! 6...

The response so far has been fantastic, we're psyched! Working on the GM view angle issue now, we might be able to fix it server-side without the need to push an update through the Updater. Stay tuned!

When I left last night, there were 6 servers, this morning, there are 17. I call hax.

Overwatch's Public Release is LIVE! Read all the details here:

I was going to try and start a map thread today, but when I tested my complied map so far (nowhere near close to done), the textures were all black and props wouldn't show up. Damn Mac updates..... On the other hand, I got a breencast working.

I'm confused, is the download on the forums just a pre-release for all the forum users to check out ?

The one there right now is v1.0.3, which was a release for everyone on the forum on the 6th. The RC was out 2 days ago and the public release should be tonight. Here's hoping the dev team doesn't take on VALVe time.
Aug 20 2010 02:10 PM