Community Status Updates

I'm rigging as if I need to hatch an egg for a chicken, and breed a pig, just to eat a Chicken Bacon sandwich...

Spending a weekend rigging a character, that is going even going to be animated, and I just realized I fucked up massively! Yay for life!

I am a ghost!... In a shell. The shell is quite empty though. I should fill it with something?..... Wait, I got it. I fill it with Nutella!

killed a rare. He dropped 100s of mixed herbs, and 20 fucking golden lotus O_O Whaaaaaaaaaat!

We might need a few people this coming weekend to help us test two maps. Anyone interested?

It's for OW. We'll be testing an updated SuperFortress and the new Containment.
Nov 06 2012 11:55 AM

100,000 downloads isn't "relatively unheard of". :P
But I agree, it won't get approved overnight. With a bit of promo, maybe a 1.5.5 release and some good ol' viva voce, it should work out.
Sep 21 2012 11:33 AM -
Yes it most likely would, I would say more promotion on youtube, I would be more than happy to help with that. If I can get more vids and promote overwatch on my account, I probably could get more people :D
Oct 08 2012 07:31 PM

Yeah, there hasn't been much happening of late. Any news coming soon?
Sep 02 2012 06:45 PM -
I'm not sure. We've been keeping things kinda quiet and focusing on the work. We might have some OW news soon though.
Sep 03 2012 10:13 AM

Sorry I disappeared. I got hit by a freight train of stuff this summer. I'll make deliberate effort in not letting you guys slip through the cracks.