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Can't paly any multi palyer games on steam. keeps saying invalid steam userID. WTF.

never mind forgot to read all the way down. (i have 2 comps with steam)
Dec 16 2010 08:22 PM

wait... I thought it was only 4 lines of the chorus of "everybodys working for the weekend" by loverboy...
Dec 16 2010 03:03 PM

Only 24hrs left! Take a look at OW's latest video recapping its dev during 2010 & giving you a sneak peek for 2011:

hating team OW for teasing the shit out of all of us... it's not fair... I call foul...

if and when this game gets a theme change and you guys go indie redmatter should be the name of the game :)
Dec 14 2010 01:12 PM

Should I amke a topic for weapon ideas, or should i wait till OW is more compleate as most weapon idea posts sort of fall flat on discution of more than one weapon.

maybe unite the all of the weapon ideas, and after that the developers can decide, which ones are the best????
Dec 14 2010 07:09 AM

We are gathered here today, to morn the death of owc_quarry. A map cut down it's it's prime by the destructive forces of Portal flow. But let us remember the good ol' days when this map was in it's infancy... you remember the time when the wall of props was flying towards you?

Instant Loser
My level is ready for submission. I am laughing at all of you procrastinators!

Only 24hrs left! Take a look at OW's latest video recapping its dev during 2010 & giving you a sneak peek for 2011:

I've beenworking on my level for 14 hours straight literally. My secret is that I am medicated on a narcotic that keeps me awake. ... ADHD sucks.

must get sleep.. msut keep playing hl2... help me... I can't make up my mind.