Community Status Updates

New site is up! We'll wait a day before we redirect traffic to it, but you can access it directly @ - Enjoy!

Community Site has been moved to the new server! Keeping it offline while we upgrade it and give it a new look.

Server work almost done. Site move/upgrade should begin tomorrow. Access will be choppy throughout the weekend. All on schedule!

Okay...not, but GOODBYE OLD SITE!!!
And for the active users: see you in the other side!
Oct 23 2011 07:17 AM

Site+Server Upgrades: Mon Oct 24 - Mon Oct 31 (Community, Updater and IRC might be offline during that time). Details:

- Scratched my toe against a tile and now it's open. - Got hot cheese all over my thumb when eating tosti's.
Oct 17 2011 06:00 PM

Note: Seems like uploading attachments doesn't work on here anymore. Doesn't seem like a quick fix so it'll have to wait until after the upgrades.
Oct 17 2011 12:59 PM

Seems like uploading attachments doesn't work on here anymore. Doesn't seem like a quick fix so it'll have to wait until after the upgrades.

Site and server upgrades are tentatively set for the week of October 24th.

Apologies for the unexpected downtime. Our current host had to perform emergency maintenance on the server, so we didn't get much notice.

I don't play video games much anymore. I made a few friends this semester and they play TF2 so I've been humoring them by playing with them. Same goes for the L4D2 community I'm a part of. Other than that I really haven't been feeling video games in the past few months.
Oct 07 2011 02:23 AM -

So, the entire site/forums might go down for a few days (or more) while we do a bunch of upgrades and move a ton of stuff around.... I'll give you guys 48 hours notice before I flip the switch.

The Joker
Still working on owc_prison. Go to the threads about it to submit your feedback and watch its progress.