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Entity Description

This entity is identical to func_brush except it also includes GM specific render settings.

Key Values

  • RenderFxGm:
    GM Render FX <choices>
    Several GoldSrc-era visibility modes which change the way the entity is rendered to the GM, typically by fading it in and out.

  • RenderModeGm:
    GM Render Mode <choices>
    Used to set a non-standard rendering mode on this entity. See also 'GM FX Amount' and 'GM FX Color'.
    • 0: "Normal"
    • 1: "Color"
    • 2: "Texture"
    • 3: "Glow"
    • 4: "Solid"
    • 5: "Additive"
    • 7: "Additive Fractional Frame"
    • 9: "World Space Glow"
    • 10: "Dont Render"
  • RenderAmtGm:
    GM FX Amount (0 - 255) <integer>
    The GM FX amount is used by the selected GM Render Mode.

  • RenderColorGm:
    GM FX Color (R G B) <color255>
    The GM FX color that is used by the selected GM Render Mode.

  • GmSolidState:
    Solid to GM clicks <choices>
    Will this count as solid when the Game Master click on it.


  • AlphaGM <integer>
    Sets the alpha of the brush for the GM (0-255).

  • ColorGM <color255>
    Sets the FX color of the brush for the GM.

Revision History

  • 29 SEP 2010 - Added the choices that were missing for the "GM Render Mode".
  • 22 OCT 2010 - Fixed the Valve Developer Wiki func_brush link from pointing to func_areaportal.