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Entity Description

Places a Riotshield in the map.

Key Values

  • Targetname:
    Name <targetname>
    The targetname other entities refer to this entity by.

  • Angles:
    Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) <angle>
    This entity's angular orientation in the world.

  • FadeMinDist:
    Start Fade Dist/Pixels <float>
    Distance at which the prop starts to fade (<0 = use fademaxdist). If 'Screen Space Fade' is selected, this represents the number of pixels wide covered by the prop when it starts to fade.

  • FadeMaxDist:
    End Fade Dist/Pixels <float>
    Maximum distance at which the prop is visible (0 = don't fade out). If 'Screen Space Fade' is selected, this represents the *minimum* number of pixels wide covered by the prop when it fades.

  • FadeScale:
    Fade Scale <float>
    If you specify a fade in the worldspawn, or if the engine is running under dx7, then the engine will forcibly fade out props even if fademindist/fademaxdist isn't specified. This scale factor gives you some control over the fade. Using 0 here turns off the forcible fades.


  • 1 : Start Constrained
    Prevents the model from moving.

  • 2 : Deny player pickup (reserve for NPC)

  • 4 : Not puntable by Gravity Gun