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Entity Description

These changes are applied to all NPC (npc_*) entities.
NOTE: These custom keys and inputs are NOT in the FDG but they ARE in the code. This means that Hammer will not recognise them but they can actually be used.

Key Values

  • GmRelationship:
    GM Relationship <choices>
    Defines the GM's relationship to the NPC.
    • 0: Use Default (Default)
    • 1: Enemy
    • 2: Allied
    • 3: Controllable
(You will have to turn off SmartEdit and manually add this key)


  • EnableGMControl
    Allows the GM to control the unit. Also makes the unit allied with the GM.

  • DisableGMControl
    Disallows the GM from controlling the unit.

  • DeclareGMAllied
    Makes the unit allied with the GM.

  • DeclareGMEnemy
    Makes the unit an enemy with the GM. Also disables control.

Dec 15 2010 10:27 PM
How about a Rebel Relationship option? (ie, rogue combine or zombies allied with rebels or something)

Dec 16 2010 06:49 PM
How have I not seen this before?

Dec 24 2010 04:53 AM
Ahh that was what I was searching for! Thanks! Very helpful!

Dec 24 2010 05:16 AM
Its not there though..

Jun 02 2012 10:19 PM
There aren't rogue combines bro. or controlled zombies, what the hell kind of mods are you playing?