Submitted A1win, Sep 19 2010 01:22 PM | Last updated Nov 27 2010 06:37 AM
Entity Description
This point based entity shows a hint at its position in the world. It is shown at all times when on, even through walls.
Key Values
Revision History
This point based entity shows a hint at its position in the world. It is shown at all times when on, even through walls.
Key Values
- Targetname:
Name <targetname>
The targetname other entities refer to this entity by.
- Parentname:
Parent <targetname>
Specifies the targetname of this entity's movement parent. Entities with parents move with their parent.
- StartActive:
Start On <choices>
Should it start on and be visible.
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
- 0: No
- ShowProgress:
Show Progress <choices>
Should it show the progress. Starts by default at 100%. It can be changed via the input SetProgress(float).
- 0: No
- 1: Yes
- 0: No
- Team:
Team <choices>
Which team should see this indicator.
- 0: Both
- 1: Players
[^]2: GM
- 0: Both
- DisplayRange:
[*[Display Range <float> [/b]
The range within which the indicator is displayed to the player. Does not concern the GM. 0 = infinite range
- GmTexture:
GM Icon <string>
The path to the texture.
- RebelTexture:
Rebel Icon <string>
The path to the texture.
- GmLabel:
GM Text <string>
Label shown to the GM. Displayed under the icon.
- RebelLabel:
Rebel Text <string>
Label shown to rebels. Displayed under the icon.
- TurnOn
Turn on the indicator.
- TurnOff
Turn off the indicator.
- ShowProgress <bool>
Set boolean if indicator should show progress.
- SetProgressRatio <float>
Set progress ratio to show. Between [0..1] where 1 is max (100%)
Usage: a func_breakable can have an output OnHealthChanged send to this. Then the func_breakable's health will be shown by the info_indicator_ow.
Revision History
- 27 NOV 2010 - Added new keys, "Team" and "Display Range"