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[GUIDE] Start Locations

Resistance Team

The start location entity for the Resistance team is called info_player_rebel_ow. You should place at least eight of those in the map so that they aren't overlapping each other or any other solid object.

Overwatch Team

To create a start location for the Game Master (the Overwatch) player, place an info_player_gm_ow entity in the map.

The GM spawn point has two limitations to its placement: It must be placed inside a solid wall, and it must be above the rest of the map. Here's an example screenshot of the GM spawn point entity placement:

Attached Image: info_player_gm_ow.jpg

The screenshot is the front 2D view of a map. The green arrow points at the GM spawn entity (info_player_gm_ow). Notice how it's placed inside a solid world brush to prevent it from causing a leak to the map. The brush (marked as blue square in the screenshot) should not be hollow (not have a hole inside it), and it can use any solid material on it ("tools/nodraw" for example). The red line indicates that the GM spawn point is indeed above the rest of the map, so that at no point when the GM moves in the game will he enter the inside of the map. This is to prevent the GM from suffering from world geometry visibility problems.

The default value for the "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" (angles) key of the entity is "80 90 0". This means that the GM is facing almost directly downwards ("Pitch" is 80, whereas 90 would be straight down), and the top of his screen is pointing towards North ("Yaw" is 90, whereas 0 would be towards East, 180 towards West, and 270 towards South). You can change those values, but currently the minimap will not rotate based on them.

Example Map

Below is a ZIP file containing an example map (guide_start_locations.vmf) which you can open up in Hammer to see how the spawns are placed, and a compiled version of the map (guide_start_locations.bsp) which you can load in-game if you wish.

Attached File  guide_start_locations.zip   22.23K   684 downloads